M Zahm Personal Property Online Only Auction

Personal Property of M Zahm
Blue Electric Reclining Couch, La-Z-Boy Recliners, Women's Ferragamo Shoes, Vintage Dolls, Door Handles, Vintage Pyrex Butter Dish, Avon, Telephone Collectibles & Decor, Brass Eagle Paintball Gun, Kitchenware, Vintage Camera's, Radio Tubes, Terracotta & Mexican Pottery, Neon Teapot, Black Light, Speakers, Thomas the Train Set, Vintage Radio's, Bell & Howell Projector, Carousel Projector, Women's Handbags, Atari Flashback, Vintage Records Albums, Vintage 8mm Projector, Children's Books, Paintball Mask, Baseball Helmet, Coffee Table, End Tables, Encyclopedia's, DVD's, VHS, Books, Maps, Typewriters, Baseball Cards, Vintage Fireplace Andirons, Picture Frames, Artwork: Watercolor Art, Janet Leroy 00' Horse Painting on Feathers "Nomad", Signed Print 304/750 Ray Orosz 1981 21x17, E J Cobb Artwork 13x10.5, "The Golden Awakens" Jean Wetzler 13.5x21, 474/500 "Shells II" Richard Williams 9'5x22